Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Creating your own LAN messenger

Hey freinds. Its 4:30 am and i just got back home singing "4 baj gaye lekin party abhi baaki hai'. Had a blast this night and I am really drunk now. And I think its just the impact of the alchohol that i am sharing this trick on my blog. Ahh i dont wanna do this. Whatever... So this trick is about making a billion dollar in one night. All you have to do is to drink a lot of alchohol and get urself high and then  you will feel like being the king of the world... Juzz kidding.... :P
                OK. so now lets get back to what we are actuually here for. THis trick is about making a messenger of your own. Suppose you are stuck in such a place where you have a lot of systems connected with you but you dont have internet acces or the security is so bad that you can't even use winchat then you can use DoS for the same. You can make your own little chatroom in which all the systems in your LAN network can participate.
All you have to do is to follow these steps:

► First open a notepad or any text editor. and type the following code :
@echo off

set /p n=Use:
set /p m=Msg:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

► Now save Now save this code as a bat file. For this you have to go to "Save As" option in file menu and change the name to anything with an extension .bat . This mean that if you wanna save the file as "Amit" then save it as "Amit.bat". Also change the "Save as Type" to "All Files" Also dont forget to change the Encoding to ANSI.

You will see a system file in the folder you saved the file in. Just double click it and then as you type your name and message it will be sent to all the systems in your LAN network.
                                You can try this anywhere. But if you are thinking of using it on your college or school then you have to keep in mind that eve your lab assistant may be connectd to you. ;)


gaviranga said...

It’s a good and useful info to know the list of messenger used across. I would like to recommend one of the best network message with a good features like instant messaging, Group Chat, Video & voice call, File transfer & Desktop sharing etc.”Output Messenger” it is one of the best for all LAN messaging software.

B Labs said...

You can also use Bopup IM Client SDK to create your own messaging client on C++, C# or VB.Net It is the library that uses existing IM server software and allows to connect, send and receive messages with calling few functions only.

Amanda Smith said...

If you want to get more professional application, you can try to install LANcet Chat application A dedicated Server and the Internet connection are not required, many features as file transfer, remote assistance, emojis.

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