Thursday, April 28, 2011

Creating an annoyer

The best psychiatrist around the globe says that  a human mostly feels good when he intentionally annoys someone. Its completely natural human nature and we all know the same. 
          So i came up with this thing. While doing some of my stuffs I noticed that "start" is the command to open a CMD wimdow in windows and the second thing worth noticing was that we can open as many CMD windows as we want. So this mean that i can open a hundred or a thousand Command Prompt window in a computer in one go. This thing wil not harm the computers functionality or the user but this thing will annoy the victim for sure.

so here's the trick
1► Open a Notepad 
2► Next write "@start" (Without quotes) and then next line.(hit enter)
3► Now go to the "Save as" option and save the file as "anything.bat"(without quotes). this is the main part. You can provide the file anyname but remember to change its extension to ".bat" and change the "Save as Type" to all files.

In the above procedure more the no of times you type "@start"  more will be the no of windows that comes up. 
Like in my case i wrote it about 25 times and it was like
so the output i get looks somthing like this:

Now you can send the .bat file thus made to any of your freind via mail or pendrives and when he clicks them he will be like "what the hell...."


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