Sunday, May 1, 2011

Messing up with dos

Hey awl. I am back with my personal favourite ""CMD TRICKS".  Damn, i sometimes wonder why the hell people underestimate cmd... whatever, i cant change the world. But i can teach them all a simple CMD trick. So here i am .
                        During my school days i used to try a lot of craps on my system. One day i was just going through some CMD commands and i came across a command called "ASSOC". The Assoc command is basically used to asssciate extensions with a file type. The system has to be taught that what file has to be treated how. For example, if we have a file with extension .mp3 then we need to tell the system that a .mp3 file is ought to be an audio track.. Similarily a .txt file has to be a textfile. The assoc command gives you the power to define a new extension and also to modify the existing ones. This gave me an idea. 
                        Suppose you are in your friends place and for some reason you want to screw him up. In such a case i would prefer screwing his PC first. If you can associate anything with any other thing then you can make combinations of your choice. Like you can associate a .mp3 file with a textfile so that whenever your mate tries to listen to his favourite soundtrack he gets a freaking notepad instead. Or when he tries to open a video he gets a systemrecovery file in front of him. Lets take it to the extreme. Suppose you dont like the system you are using and you are being forced to use the same one. This happens mostly in a school or college lab when the seat next to your crush is still vacant but that bloody lab assistant forces you to sit somewhere else. is this case try associating an executable file with something else.Now, lemme tell you how to do it. I'll be giving the syntax for assoc command first.

SYNTAX:  ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]]
  here .ext is extension

So if you wanna associate an executable file with a textfile then
►  Open cmd (If you even dont know how to open cmd then go shoot yourself)
►  Now type
            assoc .exe=txtfile
      and hit enter

the command will run and now when you open any executale file it will give you a notepad open with a wiered code in it. When i say any executable file, then I am talking about all the exe files. it may be TC.exe , winamp.exe, media player.exe or any  software available in your system.... 
I hope this trick will be useful to all of you. Keep messing around and enjoy reading more tricks. And do check the advertisments, we offer you the best deals.


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